As an Ohio teacher in the winter, I am used to those mornings where I stare at my phone willing it to ring. The mornings where I know it was supposed to snow, and I’ve already gotten my hopes up. I scan my emails, check the website, and finally there’s a notification! SNOW DAY!
But then it sinks in… how will I entertain my own children? I mean I don’t exactly write lesson plans for these days and I try not to let them veg in front of the TV for the entire day. I thought there may be more like me and want to share an activity that had my girls pleasantly occupied for hours.
Art Show and Auction
They decided to create an art show and auction. This specific day they were at their grandparents with their cousins and were hanging out in the heated garage. They pulled out their art kits and an origami book and got to work. Some drawings were made on their own while some they collaborated on.
Once they felt they had enough pieces they chose how to display them. They chose to hang theirs on the garage door and side of the refrigerator. After this, they got to work promptly on creating tickets. Their tickets were handmade but read “under 5 can get in with a hug, and over 5 can get in with a piece of candy.”
Let me tell you, after being granted entrance with a single M&M I was amazed at the results of their hard work. The ages of the children ranged from 7-10, and their creations were beautiful. I enjoyed hearing their stories about who created what, and how hard they worked.
While leaving the art show I was told my ticket would allow me free entrance to the auction later.
During the auction I was able to purchase any piece I wanted for the price of any food item. I brought two baby carrots in with me, but my two-year-old ate them before I chose my artwork. I had to return to the kitchen and retrieve some bell peppers before “purchasing” two creations (one from each of my daughters.)